Explainer: What Is The Church And What Is It’s Purpose?

Explainer: What Is The Church And What Is It’s Purpose?

With the pandemic, many churches have changed their type of service, with services being conducted through online platforms. During this period, one of the main questions I have received from different quarters is, “What is the purpose of the church?”

People go to churches leesburg va for a variety of reasons, including but not exclusive to:

Explainer: What Is The Church And What Is It’s Purpose?

  • To strengthen their faith and relationship with God, they need spiritual growth and nourishment.
  • To be a part of a community of people with similar beliefs and values.
  • Worship is the act of praising and thanking God via song, prayer, and other customs.
  • Service is the act of giving back to one’s community through volunteerism and philanthropic endeavors.
  • Comfort and support – to receive consolation and assistance when needed, such as after illness, a loss, or trying circumstances.

Going to church leesburg va can offer chances for personal development and deep relationships with others, as well as opportunities for people to find meaning and purpose in their life.

I have one answer for all who ask the question of what is the purpose of the Church. Though many congregations are conducting their church business through platforms such as Zoom, the church is not an actual structure or building. Instead, the church is a congregation of God’s followers or children who are committed to carrying out the work of God be it inside or outside the confines of a physical structure. This explanation again leads us to our original question, “What is the purpose of the church?”

There are many points that may shed light on the answer to this question but first, we will refer to the Bible for guidance. Acts 2:42 says, “They (the children of God) devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer.”

What is described in the Bible verse above can be done either within or outside the confines of a physical church building? This means that it can even be done through online platforms such as Zoom. Even when not in an actual church building, the church – made up of God’s people has the responsibility of furthering biblical teachings so that all who listen grow stronger in faith. The true purpose of the church especially during the pandemic is to promote faith, hope, trust, and fellowship.

No matter the platform being used, be it YouTube, Facebook, or Zoom, the church usually teaches prayer, practices prayer and promotes prayer. One biblical teaching we should not forget is Philippians 4: 6-7.

That said, there are others who may ask, “What makes a church great? Is it the congregation? Is it the programs followed by the congregation? Is it the size of the congregation within? Is it the pastor?” The answer to these questions is that NONE of the above make a church great. What makes a church great is PRINCIPLE together with a combination of several things we will discuss below.

The first thing that makes a church great is the singlemindedness of knowing that all glory belongs to God.

Explainer: What Is The Church And What Is It’s Purpose?

The second thing that makes a church great is the preaching given to the congregation and the Bible teachings imparted by the preacher.

The third thing that makes a church great is the vision to reach out to lost souls that may have lost direction and purpose along the way. Reaching out to those who are lost requires a lot of selflessnesses. One must be willing to give instead all they can selflessly without thinking about what they may or will get in return for their effort.

The final thing that makes a church great is spiritual strength. God’s children must always remember that God’s power is the building block of greatness for any church. God’s power through Christ Jesus makes a church great and not the size of the congregation or the organizational powers of a church’s management. It is important to always remember that spiritual strength is borne from having the utmost trust in God.

Due to the effects of the pandemic, many churches may not yet be able to resume their normal operations in their physical places of worship. However, as God’s children, we should always remember to espouse and be the church no matter where and how we are conducting worship. Though the pandemic may force us to practice social distancing, we must remain steadfast and never attempt practicing ‘spiritual distancing’. It is important to remember that we do not just exist as flesh, bone, and blood, but rather that each individual is a LIVING SANCTUARY.

As I end, I pray that God Almighty blesses you and keeps you.

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Farrukh yaqub

This is Muhammad Farrukh Yaqub, who has good experience in the website field. Muhammad Farrukh Yaqub is the premier and most trustworthy informant for technology, telecom, business, auto news, and game reviews in the world. Please feel free contact me at mfyoficial786@gmail.com https://techyroyal.com/

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