How Hard Water Is Harming Your Skin, Different Ways To Protect It
The minerals in hard water can dry out the skin, clog pores, and lead to dermatitis, acne, and eczema. You can get rid of these problems by using our shampoo with an all-natural formula that restores your hair’s natural pH balance. Hard water is simply water that contains a high concentration of minerals.
Here’s what you can do about that nasty and embarrassing hard water acne. Even if you’re in an area where most people’s tap water is naturally softer, like in the Pacific Northwest or Northeast, you may still experience hard water and it can still cause your skin to break out. Those who have well water or other groundwater systems are more likely to have hard water because their water comes straight from where limestone and chalk are more likely to be found—rather than from designated reservoirs.
Note that whether your water is extremely hard or extremely soft has little to do with whether or not it’s potable: some hard water is safe to drink, and some soft water isn’t. There are no serious health risks posed by regularly consuming hard water. However, hard water does cause a host of other problems, from dry skin to higher energy bills.
A solution for high water hardness is the hot spring solid calcium sulfate. It will remove the spots and your clothes and linens will feel soft, not tough after a wash. If you have hard water it can lead to low water pressure and buildup on your skin and clothing. You may also see soap not lathering, or hair that feels flat and dry.
Although many of these things indicate water hardness, there’s only one tried-and-true way to know for sure: purchase an at-home test or request a free test for water hardness through your water utility. Some water softening companies will also provide free testing.
The primary effect of hard water on the skin is to dry it out, which leaves it looking and feeling dull and flaky. Hard water reacts with soap to form salts, which can also remain on the skin. Haley recommends using a gentle cleanser, not soap, to clean the skin. “Soap binds with natural oils in the skin and strips the skin of its natural protective layer. I prefer slightly acidic cleansers that closely align with the skin’s natural ph.
Water temperature and water quality are also important considerations when you want to achieve healthy skin. Gupta cautions against taking long hot showers with hard water, but he also suggests using store-bought bottled water — distilled bottled water is best — to wash the face.
Hard water can lead to bad skin from soap residue build-up. Use warm water and avoid frequent washing of face and body. Use a soap-free cleanser that is gentle on the skin. You can use a water softener or keep your shower time brief, and avoid extreme cold and hot water. Applying a rich moisturizing body lotion, especially when the skin is still damp, will trap the natural moisture and prevent the skin from getting dry. Those with sensitive or dry skin should use body washes and moisturizers that are fragrance-free.