Smihub: Anonymously Viewing Instagram Stories in 2022

Smihub: Anonymously Viewing Instagram Stories in 2022

You’re probably wondering what the heck I just said in that title, right? Before you stop reading and move on to something more understandable, let me explain what I mean by that. In 2018, when Instagram Stories came out, people weren’t happy with the fact that they had to use their Instagram accounts to view Stories – even anonymously. In 2022, however, Smihub allows us to anonymously view Instagram Stories and other live content, like Facebook Live and Periscope. Here’s how it works…

Yes, this exists

There is a company called Smihub that has managed to create an app that allows users to anonymously view Instagram stories. The way these app works is by the user first downloading the app and authenticating with their Instagram account. After they have authenticated, they are then able to search for any user’s story by searching their username or following other users and choosing stories from there. However, once a user has started viewing a story on Smihub, it cannot be replayed later. So when using this service, it is important to note that the user will not be able to revisit those posts without having downloaded them again.

What it’s like to use Smihub

I downloaded the app on my phone, and I’m liking how easy it is to use. The layout of the app is very simple with a list of popular stories at the top, followed by popular from people you follow and popular from people you don’t follow. If you’re not sure who someone is, there’s an option to anonymously view their story for up to thirty seconds. It’s also possible to anonymously view stories posted by accounts that you already follow. The app does a great job of making it as easy as possible for users to find what they’re looking for. If you see a particular person’s profile that you want to follow or message, there are plenty of options. You can see all their posts (or just those posted within the last 48 hours) and message them privately if desired. As expected, there is no way to search for specific terms or hashtags; this means that content isn’t filtered based on your interests.

The results are… interesting

I was always curious as to how people managed to live without knowing what someone else is doing. To me, it’s like living a life of mystery and wonderment. But I always wanted to know the answer. As I browsed the web for an answer, I came across a website called smihub. It seemed like a complicated name for an easy concept. You sign up on their website with your email and password and then you download the app on your phone, which is completely free by the way. Once you do that, you can anonymously view any of the thousands of Instagram stories that people post every day! All you have to do is click on the story that interests you and it’ll show up on your screen!

Our Verdict on Smihub

The app, Smihub, is a new photo and video sharing service that launched on June 1st of this year. It’s a mobile app that lets you anonymously view the stories of other people, while they are completely unaware they are being observed. The concept behind the application is to foster an environment where people can be themselves and show their true selves. It seems like a great idea, but there are some major issues with it. 

First off, there is no way to filter out pictures based on how long ago they were posted. This means that you might be following someone for days or weeks who posts two photos and then disappears for months or years at a time. That’s not sustainable by any means!

Farrukh yaqub

This is Muhammad Farrukh Yaqub, who has good experience in the website field. Muhammad Farrukh Yaqub is the premier and most trustworthy informant for technology, telecom, business, auto news, and game reviews in the world. Please feel free contact me at

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